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Carrington Junior Tennis Academy
$300 a month
High performance program - Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm & Fridays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturdays: 10:30pm - 12:30pm
Dates: Jan 5 - Dec 31, 2024
Full-time and Part-time training options include: 4 days per week, 3 days per week, 2 days per week and 1 day per week.
This High performance program offers:
Extensive tennis training focused on all aspects of the game including stroke production, point construction, match play
• video analysis
• on and off court fitness
• footwork and agility
• mental training
• tournament coaching
• individual progression plans with individualized tournament
• help with college placement
Pricing for our 2hr High performance program
4 days a week ($40.00 an hour) ($100 Drop-in rate)
$1200 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
3 days a week
$900 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
2 days a week
$600 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
1 day a week
$300 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
Mighty Mites & Rookies: - Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm - 7:00pm & Fridays: 5:00pm -7:00pm
Saturdays: 10:30am - 12:30pm Dates: Jan 05, - Dec 31, 2024
Mighty Mites
(ages 5-7 yrs. Skill based not age)
This program introduces the young player to the game of tennis. Basics of hand/eye coordination, tossing, gripping and proper strokes will be taught. A “Fun Tennis” experience is the goal. Being able to rally and play short court tennis is achieved.
(ages 8-12 yrs. Skill based not age)
This group will focus primarily on the fundamentals of stroke technique, grips, positioning, serve and proper footwork for balance. This will create the basic fundamentals to give each individual the ability to move into a rally format. We will use drills and rally games to create a match play situation. This group is for the beginner player who has limited experience with the game.
Pricing for our 2hr Mighty Mites & Rookies program
4 days a week ($40.00 an hour) ($100 Drop-in rate)
$1200 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
3 days a week
$900 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
2 days a week
$600 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
1 day a week
$300 @ $80 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
Parent and Kid Tennis Class– 3yr to 5yr olds
* Tue 4:30pm – 5pm & Thurs 4:30pm – 5pm
* Cost: $00.00 a class
Saturdays Mighty Mites and Rookies Class Drop in
10:30am - 12:30pm...........Drop-in rate per class $80
(Click here for brochure)
Click here for Payment Authorization Form
*** Cost is subject to change at any time, without advance notice. ***
Hunter Oaks Junior Tennis Academy
Mighty Mites & Rookies: - Mondays - 4:30 - 5:30pm
Dates: Jan 1, - Dec 30, 2024
Mighty Mites & Rookies - Full-time 1 day per week.
Mighty Mites
(ages 5-7 yrs. Skill based not age)
This program introduces the young player to the game of tennis. Basics of hand/eye coordination, tossing, gripping and proper strokes will be taught. A “Fun Tennis” experience is the goal. Being able to rally and play short court tennis is achieved.
(ages 8-12 yrs. Skill based not age)
This group will focus primarily on the fundamentals of stroke technique, grips, positioning, serve and proper footwork for balance. This will create the basic fundamentals to give each individual the ability to move into a rally format. We will use drills and rally games to create a match play situation. This group is for the beginner player who has limited experience with the game.
Pricing for our 1hr Mighty Mites & Rookies program
1 day a week
$160 or $200 @ $40.00 a day - Plus $300 with one private lesson a week
Drop-in rate $60